2023年7月7日 星期五



很美的 #佛氏通泉草, 居然6月底還在開花.

#通泉草 通常在冬末春初, 成片盛開在比較潮濕的草地或山區路邊.
名字說明了有它存在的地方, 都比較潮濕吧!
而他的學名裡的種名 #fauriei
則是以他的發現者 佛里神父命名

同場加映 #授草 也還在開

The beautiful Taiwan #Mazus is still blooming at the end of June.
Taiwan Mazus usually blooms in wet grasslands or mountain roadsides in late winter and early spring.
The name shows that the places where it exists are relatively humid!
"Grass towards the spring water"
And the species name in his scientific name #fauriei
is named after his discoverer, Father #Faurie.
The pioneer and founder of plant research in Taiwan.
Urbain Jean Faurie, French missionary and botanist